The study of antimicrobial activity of povidone-iodine solution under the influence of laser irradiation in vitro


  • N. O. Zhdanova Kharkiv National Medical University,
  • E. I. Dolya Kharkiv National Medical University,
  • O. S. Volkova Kharkiv National Medical University,
  • Ye. M. Ryabokon Kharkiv National Medical University,



photosensitization, povidone-iodine, diode laser, infrared rays


The purpose of this work was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of povidone-iodine solution as a photosensitizer and effective optical range of laser activation identification in vitro.

Materials and Methods. As the test cultures reference strains of Candida albicans ATCC 885-653, Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 14990, Escherichia coli ATCC 25992, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 6783 were used. 10 % povidone-iodine solution was added to Petri dishes with the microorganisms on agar and was left in situ for 60 seconds. Fifteen test Petri dishes were irradiated using the remote handle VRV4 λ = 658 nm (Test 1), the other fifteen – with the handle VRIP1 λ = 810 nm (Test 2). Four controls were carried out: the first control (C1) – Petri dishes with inoculated culture without the povidone-iodine solution and laser irradiation influence. The second control (C2) – the photosensitizer was not irradiated. The third control (C3) – it was the irradiation by wavelength 658 nm without chromatophore using. The fourth control (C4) – it was the irradiation by wavelength 810 nm without chromatophore using.

Results. The obtained data have shown that povidone-iodine solution was activated in the infrared optical range, as evidenced by the complete absence of test microorganisms growth in Petri dishes “Test 2”. It was found out a reliable decrease in the number of microorganisms colonies in the Petri dishes “Test 1”, but it was achieved by the povidone-iodine antimicrobial activity, rather than by laser activation. This is confirmed by the fact that the number of microorganisms colonies in the Petri dishes ”Test 1” was not statistically different from the number of colonies in the second control group where povidone-iodine solution was not irradiated.

Conclusions. It has been proved that the photosensitizer 10% povidone-iodine solution was activated by 810-nm wavelength laser irradiation in the infrared optical range. There had been no growth of microorganisms in nutrient media in test plates compared to the control.


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How to Cite

Zhdanova NO, Dolya EI, Volkova OS, Ryabokon YM. The study of antimicrobial activity of povidone-iodine solution under the influence of laser irradiation in vitro. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Mar.14 [cited 2025Mar.7];19(2). Available from:



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