Morphofunctional characteristics of endocrine pancreatic damage exposed to imbalanced food with excess nutrients on mother – fetus system


  • O. V. Nikolayeva Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine,
  • M. V. Kovaltsova Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine,
  • V. A. Sirenko Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine,
  • M. O. Kucheriavchenko Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine,
  • I. O. Sulkhdost Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine,



rat, pancreas, imbalanced diet


The purpose of the study. The study is devoted to the mechanisms of pancreatic damage by exploring of its morphofunctional state as the result of imbalanced diet with an excess of nutrients on the mother – fetus system.

Materials and Methods. Before pregnancy and during pregnancy the female rats were fed with an increased amount of carbohydrates. The control group of animals was maintained in standard vivarium conditions with normal balanced diet. Morphological processing included a set of histological and histochemical methods. Assessment of the secretory activity of the pancreas and hormones-substratum relationships was examined using biochemical method. Statistical investigation included a univariate dispersіon analysis.

Results. We have defined the options of the pancreatic dysfunction (hyperpancreatism, hypopancreatism, dispancreatism) in rats under the action of high fat and carbohydrates diet on the mother-fetus system. Also, high level of insulin combined with hypercorticosteronemia (in rats) and hypocorticosteronemia (in some offspring) was revealed, which probably had a compensatory character and caused the activation of catabolic processes. This is evidenced by hyperglycemia, mild hypoproteinemia, insignificant increased level of fatty acids and significant increased level of ketone bodies. We have found that the rats, as well as their mothers, are exposed to marked violation of morphology and function of the pancreas (we have found out the compensatory hypertrophy and hyperplasia, a sufficiently high morphofunctional activity in the structural components of the pancreas while strengthening the dystrophic and sclerotic processes), which persist in the first two months of postnatal life, despite the physiological conditions of existence and balanced diet. We have clarified the mechanism of pancreas damage in rats as a result of an imbalanced diet on the mother – fetus system.

Conclusions. The results of the study indicate that the imbalanced food with excess nutrients of pregnant rats with a high content of carbohydrates and fats is a significant risk factor for development of chronic pancreatic insufficiency and diabetes not only in rats, but also in their offspring.


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How to Cite

Nikolayeva OV, Kovaltsova MV, Sirenko VA, Kucheriavchenko MO, Sulkhdost IO. Morphofunctional characteristics of endocrine pancreatic damage exposed to imbalanced food with excess nutrients on mother – fetus system. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Jul.3 [cited 2025Jan.30];(4). Available from:



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