An evaluation of generalized periodontitis treatment, based on diagnostics of pathological teeth mobility, using periotestometry. Clinical review


  • Т. І. Matviykiv "Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University», Ukraine.,



chronic periodontitis, tooth mobility, periotestometry, combined modality therapy


The aim – to evaluate the effectiveness of the periodontal treatment using the method of periotestometry at the stage of early periodontal pathology diagnostics and record physiological mobility shift into pathological mobility.

Materials and methods. Observed and treated 117 patients, diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis (GP) of I–II degree (chronic course). Сlinical status of the oral cavity was evaluated based on: Yasynovsky Probe (immigration of leukocytes into the oral cavity), PMA Index, Greene–Vermillion hygienical index, Kulazhenko Probe. At the stages of complex periodontal treatment the measurements of the teeth mobility (in the area of the teeth involved in the pathological process, prosthetic appliances) were carried out using automative pulse method periotestometry by application of the "Periotest-M" device (V. I. Herelyuk, T. I. Matviykiv, 2014).

Results. At the stage of early diagnostics of periodontal pathology based on the results of mobility measurements, the change of physiological mobility into a pathological was assessed. Upon receipt of sustainability of pathological mobility indicators, as well as clinical indeces the remission of dystrophic-inflammatory processes in the periodontium were evaluated.

Conclusion. Evaluating the effectiveness of GP treatment based on the study of pathological teeth mobility using periotestometry allows to optimize and correct complex periodontal treatment on its stages. An addidion of the periotestometry method on the stages of generalized periodontitis treatment will prolongate remission of this pathology in the future.


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How to Cite

Matviykiv ТІ. An evaluation of generalized periodontitis treatment, based on diagnostics of pathological teeth mobility, using periotestometry. Clinical review. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Oct.17 [cited 2025Mar.9];(5). Available from:



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