Application of sorption technologies for infected burn wounds treatment in the experiment


  • G. M. Cherniakova Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine,



burns, sorbent, P. aeruginosa


The frequency of infectious complications in patients with burn is still an actual problem of modern medicine. Endogenous and exogenous intoxication leads to disruption organs and systems functions in general. That's why more attention should be paid to such a direction of medicine as application sorption.

Purpose: The aim of this study was the evaluation of antibacterial activity and wound-healing properties of the sorbent applicator based on highly dispersed nanosilica with immobilized antimicrobial mixture for the treatment of experimental Pseudomonas infection.

Materials and мethods: The research was carried out on 90 6-month male mice NMRI line weight 18–20 grams. All animals were divided into 5 groups. We used a model of the contact thermal burn. After burning experimental animals were infected by daily agar culture of multidrug resistant clinical strain of P. aeruginosa 3101, obtained from a patient with burns. Microbiological studies of burn wounds were carried out. The rate of wound healing was carried out using the following parameters: the average rate of wound surface decrease (cm² per day) and reduction of wound surface area (percent per day – Popova’s index).

Results. It has been found that the application of new original applicator sorbent for 3 days decrease the number of microbial cells in the wound below the critical level (105). In this experimental group the amount of purulent discharge from the wounds, swelling, redness and infiltration of tissues were reduced in comparison with the other groups. Earlier cleansing of wounds and acceleration of reparative processes were observed.

Conclusions. The findings suggest that the applicator sorbent exhibits antibacterial and wound healing properties and can be a prospective complex drug for the topical treatment of Pseudomonas infected burns. 


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How to Cite

Cherniakova GM. Application of sorption technologies for infected burn wounds treatment in the experiment. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Nov.15 [cited 2025Mar.9];(6). Available from:



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