Current concepts of maxillitis pathogenesis and morphogenesis


  • I. M. Andreichyn I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • V. A. Mikhniov Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine,



maxillary sinusitis, pathology, confounding factors


The aetiology of prenatal sinusitis as well as maxillitis is caused by bacteria, micromyces and viruses, often in combination. Acute infection spreads predominantly from meatus to paranasal sinuses resulting in rhinosinusitis development. Natural sinus fistula obstruction due to mucous membrane oedema, endotoxicosis, disorders of tissue immunity and mucociliary clearance, leukocytic infiltration, stimulation of oxygen active forms formation in leukocytes etc. are significant for the disease pathogenesis. As a result, inflammatory and dystrophic changes develop in all layers of sinus walls. The pathological process is affected by a number of confounding factors.

The aim of the research is to study the recent research publications for better comprehension of the main factors of maxillitis aetiology and pathogenesis taking into account our research data.

Conclusions. Maxillitis is caused by pathogenic and potentially pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses, which are usually spread to sinuses from meatus. Endotoxicosis, the decrease in tissue immunity and mucociliary clearance, inflammatory and dystrophic changes in mucosae and bone layer of sinus walls are very important for the pathogenesis. The significance of neurotrophic disorders is proven. The confounding factors take account of immunodeficiency, cryoglobulinemia, sinus fistula obstruction, adenoidal vegetation, anatomical anomalies of nose, hepatic insufficiency.


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How to Cite

Andreichyn IM, Mikhniov VA. Current concepts of maxillitis pathogenesis and morphogenesis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2018Mar.7 [cited 2025Mar.9];20(2). Available from:


