Actual problems of exposure risk assessment of finely dispersed aerosols and aerosols of nanoparticles


  • A. I. Sevalnev Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • L. P. Sharavara Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • O. O. Nefedov Dnipropetrovsk medical Academy of Ministry of health of Ukraine, Dnipro,
  • O. O. Nefedova Dnipropetrovsk medical Academy of Ministry of health of Ukraine, Dnipro,
  • V. F. Shatorna Dnipropetrovsk medical Academy of Ministry of health of Ukraine, Dnipro,



nanoparticles, finely dispersed particles, working zone air, occupational risk


Purpose of the study – analysis of the scientific literature on generalization of the data on domestic and foreign experience in risk assessment due to exposure to finely dispersed aerosols and aerosols of nanoparticles (NPs).

The article summarizes data of long-term studies on the effect of nanomaterials and nanoparticles on the quality of human habitat and health. The domestic and foreign experience of harm health assessment, safety of new types of nanomaterials for the environment and work-related conditions have been analyzed.

There are numerous studies of foreign and domestic scientists on the biological activity of nanoparticles and their effect on experimental animals, namely, on the specificity of their effect on various organs and systems of the body.

Classification of nanomaterials, depending on their chemical composition, is presented. Attention is paid to the problems of nanosafety, namely, to the evaluation of nanotoxicity of substances and to the definition of the concept of a “dose” for nanoparticles. The data on the presence of finely dispersed and ultra-fine particles in the atmospheric air, which increase risk of respiratory system diseases among residents of large megacities, is given. There is special importance on assessing work conditions and occupational risks in production and use of materials which contain nanoparticles as well as in production processes with formation of the fine dust and nanoparticles indicated in the article.

Due to the lack of a clear system for assessing health risks related to the action of nanoparticles, lack of common criteria of harmfulness and maximum allowable concentrations for most nanoparticles and uniform methods of their control, it is suggested to strictly adhere to protective measures in contact with nanomaterials and active improvement of nanosecurity measures.

Conclusions. High toxicity and health hazards of finely dispersed and ultra-fine particles confirm need to control their content in the air of the populated areas and in the air of the working zone of industrial enterprises, where suspended particles are formed in the technological process. Obtained results of the scientific studies should be used for substantiation of preventive measures on nanosecurity in development and implementation of the nanotechnology, in order to protect health of workers and the general population.


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How to Cite

Sevalnev AI, Sharavara LP, Nefedov OO, Nefedova OO, Shatorna VF. Actual problems of exposure risk assessment of finely dispersed aerosols and aerosols of nanoparticles. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2018Mar.7 [cited 2025Mar.9];20(2). Available from:


