Modern conceptions of initial dental caries treatment


  • S. P. Yarova Donetsk National Medical University, Kramatorsk, Ukraine,
  • V. V. Sanoyan Donetsk National Medical University, Kramatorsk, Ukraine,



initial caries, tooth remineralization, amelogenin, infiltration


Quick and efficient initial caries treatment (a white spot stage) is an important and burning issue of the modern practical dentistry. At the spot stage, cariosity is reversible and thus, the scientists direct their attention to the techniques development for the restoration of the enamel crystal structure. Technique of a minimally invasive caries infiltration makes it possible to remove "white spots" on the teeth after a single visit.

The objective is to analyse a specialized medical literature devoted to modern techniques and medicines for early dental caries treatment. The article represents data on the modern medicines for remineralization of the early caries focuses such as nanohydroxyapatite, silver diamine fluoride, casein phosphopeptide. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of literature data on the recently developed amino acid analogue of the human enamel proteins called amelogenin and its first user experience. New data on the minimally invasive technique of infiltration have been revealed.

Conclusions. A wide range of modern medicines and techniques for initial caries treatment enables the dentist to make the correct choice in each specific clinical situation.

Further studies on the latest developments are required to confirm their clinical efficiency. 


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How to Cite

Yarova SP, Sanoyan VV. Modern conceptions of initial dental caries treatment. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2018Mar.7 [cited 2025Mar.9];20(2). Available from:


