Some aspects of morphogenesis of diabetic encephalopathy


  • V. A. Tumanskiy
  • Yu. N. Avramenko



diabetes mellitus, angiopathy, diabetic encephalopathy


On the basis of the literary data and conducted large-scale research it was ascertained that diabetes mellitus raises the risk of cerebral stroke in 2-6 times, the risk of transitional ischemic attacks in 3 times in comparison with the same risk in the general population [3]. Diabetic encephalopathy in its pure form can be found in 80.7% of patients with diabetes mellitus of the 1st type, its development is caused mainly by ineffective metabolic control of autoregulation of cerebral blood flow [4]. Mixed encephalopathy is prevailed among patients with diabetes mellitus of the 2nd type; lacunar heart attack is more often developed among this category of patients [5], multiple focus of ischemic affection of white substance – leukoaraiosis regarded as the areas of increased level of water, gliosis, and demyelination of white substance is often registered [6].

Pathogeny of diabetic encephalopathy hasn’t been studied properly. It is known that it is a multifactor effect in the development of which the main role is led by the vascular dysfunction with the reduction of blood supply and ischemia of brain tissue, as well as direct toxic influence of hyperglycemia and disorder of trophism of nerve tissue [7]. Microangiopathy and macroangiopathy acquire the special meaning in encephalopathy development among patients with diabetes mellitus. The evidence of microangiopathy and macroangiopathy is identified by the disease course and prognosis.

On the ultrastructural level the changes of vessel microcircular movement are registered on the 1st month of the experimental alloxan diabetes. During electronic microscopy the thickening of basal membrane of capillaries as well as their dissection is observed. In micro vessels such phenomena as precipitation of lipoproteids, raising of the synthesis of collagen (the second type), dystrophic changes of endotheliocytes, and lowering of micropinocytosis can be found [11,12,13,14]. As the severity of diabetes mellitus is growing, damages of organelles and microclamatosis of endothelial cells are registered. The endothelial lining is getting thin. In cytoplasm of endotheliocytes there can be found multiple pores and fenesters; interendothelial junction of capillaries are getting wider and “locus of leakage”, through which form elements of blood and plasma migrate, are created [15]. Under the streptozotocin-induced diabetes considerable increase of blood-brain barrier for small molecules are registered [16].

The progress of micro-and macroangiopathy leads to the lowering of cerebral blood flow and dishemic hypoxemia that switches energetic metabolism of nerve tissue to ineffective anaerobic glycolysis. As a result, energetic deficit and lactic acidosis are developing that in its turn leads to their structural and functional abnormalities [9]. It is determined that the important role in the development of chronicle abnormalities of cerebral blood flow under diabetes mellitus  is performed by endothelial dysfunction, violation of autoregulation of cerebral blood flow, raising of viscosity and aggregative properties of blood [9].

The risk of neurodegeneration and cognitive deficit is rising among insulin-resistance patients. The high level of insulin can inhibit neuron transmission and lowering the activity of cholineacetyltransferase [37]. Hypoglycemic episodes and comas accompanying the development of incisive dysmetabolic encephalopathy are particularly dangerous.

Despite great number of works on complications of diabetes mellitus of types I and II, abnormalities of cognitive functions of central nervous system are less studied. Further fundamental molecular and subcellar research of cerebrum will help to discover new links of pathogenesis of diabetic encephalopathy and maybe will open new perspectives in modern diagnostics and prevention of diabetes mellitus complications.


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How to Cite

Tumanskiy VA, Avramenko YN. Some aspects of morphogenesis of diabetic encephalopathy. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Sep.3 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(4). Available from: