Place and role of multifield hospital in teaching program on surgery for students


  • A. V. Kapshytar



multifield hospital, training of students, the program General Surgery


Present time is characterized by increase of dynamics of world and social development, introduction of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) [Andrushchenko V. P. at al. 2007; Pertseva T. O. at al. 2008]. Features of new information technologies and forms of educational process dictate need of active introduction of the principles of evidential medicine [Pidayev A. Century at al. 2004; Pishak at al. 2005; Bereznitsky Y. S. at al. 2006]. Thus the main postulate of the Bologna declaration is providing adequate material level of educational base where the training program is implemented in the hospital [Desyaterik V.I. 2008].

         Research objective: to determine place and role of multifield clinical base in student’s teaching “General surgery”.

Material and research methods. The chair of the general surgery with care of the patients, located in the Community organization “City clinical hospital urgent and an emergency medical service” based in 3 abdominal surgical departments. The hospital has totally 10 surgical departments of a various profile which are the specialized centers and bases of chairs of urology and medicine of accidents, military medicine, anesthesiology and resuscitation. Results of research. Students under the supervision of the teacher visit departments in the hospital and achieve practical skills according to subject goals, make the acquaintance of structure of surgical departments, desmurgy, an asepsis and antiseptics, anesthesia, participate in primary surgical processing of wounds, a bleeding stop, reposition of changes and dislocations, imposing of plaster bandages, imposing or removal of spoke and rod devices, performance of drainage. Big importance has studying of nosological forms is purulent - septic diseases of skin and hypoderma, chronic specific and nonspecific surgical infection, an necrosis, sepsis, tumors and anomalies of development, etc. Wreath of an educational program, the General surgery is writing of the academic clinical record of case history.

Therefore, presence of the strong material base in one medical institution allows to provide theoretical and practical part of the training program, scientific work.

About 5500 patients pass treatment in our clinic annually and about 3800 of them undergone surgical operations. The majority of operations were done in acute surgical diseases and traumatic injuries of abdominal organs.

Conclusions: In the multiefield hospital students have optimum opportunity to achieve theoretical and practical skills in “General surgery”.


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How to Cite

Kapshytar AV. Place and role of multifield hospital in teaching program on surgery for students. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Sep.3 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(4). Available from:



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