Modern principles of radiation protection of medical radiance exposed patients


  • A. I. Sevalnyev
  • A. V. Kutsak
  • M. I. Kostenetskyy



medical irradiation, radiological safety



It is very important to determine effective protection from radiation for patients and to establish necessity of X-Ray examination because radiation doses are not regulated. International commission of radiation protection (ICRP) pays great attention to this question. ICRP published recommendations according to patient’s protection on medical irradiation.(ICRP Publication 84,85,86,87, 93, 102)

Aim of the study:

To create the scientific basis for creation of the national normative methodical base concerning optimization of radiation defence of the patients at a medical irradiation taking into consideration the modern international approaches.

Materials and methods: medical, sociological and analytic methods.

Results: It was summarized the main principles from the ICRP issued 105th publication «Radiation protection in medicine». ICRP describes in details conception of using of diagnostical referentive levels and divides diagnostical referentive levels from boundary dose. Also they give an example of protective measures for specific patient in the specific situation: intervention procedures, irradiation of pregnant women, computed tomographic [CS] scanning, digital radiology.




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ICRP Publication 85. Avoidance of radiation injuries from medical interventional procedures. – 2000.

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ICRP Publication 87. Managing patient dose in computed tomography. – 2000.

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How to Cite

Sevalnyev AI, Kutsak AV, Kostenetskyy MI. Modern principles of radiation protection of medical radiance exposed patients. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Sep.5 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(4). Available from:



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