Level of the proteins of the acute phase as criterions of the antibacterial therapy effectiveness in the E.coli associated experimental peritonitis


  • V. V. Minukhin
  • O. Y. Kosilova




peritonitis, C-reactive protein, seromukoid, E.coli, Gatiflocsacin, Amikacin, bacteriophage


Introduction. Peritonitis is accompanied by increase of acute-phase proteins levels. C – reactive protein (CRP) is acute – phase protein which is produced in human organism in response to tissue injury, infection or inflammation. CRP is produced in small quantities (<1mg/l) under normal conditions. Measurement of CRP levels in serum is used for setting of the diagnosis and diseases monitoring as well as efficacy of their treatment. Seromucoid (orosomucoid, alpha-1 acid glucoprotein) is one of acute – phase proteins. Levels of serum orosomucoid are elevated since onset of the inflammatory process due to microbial contamination develops in peritonitis. Levels of alpha – 1 acid glucoprotein is elevated during acute phase of inflammation. Alpha – 1 acid glucoprotein is one of main acute – phase proteins. Aim of the study. To determinate levels of seromucoid and CRP in serum of experimental animals and to evaluate the duration of the inflammatory process and the efficacy of antimicrobial therapy in mice with experimentally induced peritonitis. Material and methods of study. Levels of CRP were determined with the use of a half – quantitative immunoturbidimetric method. Levels of seromucoids were determined by means of the immunoturbidimetric method. Levels of CRP and seromucoid were determined in serum obtained from mice in which experimental peritonitis were induced by Escherichia coli. Mice were divided into 6 groups depending on methods of treatment: the 1st group: Amikacin; the 2nd  group: gatifloxacin; the 3rd group: Amikacin combined with Gatiflocsacin; the 4th  group: Amikacin combined with Bacteriophagum Coli-Proteicum; the 5th  group: Gatiflocsacin combined with  Bacteriophagum Coli-Proteicum; the 6th group: Amikacin combined with Gatiflocsacin and Bacteriophagum Coli-Proteicum; Studies were conducted on the 3rd and the  5th day after the start of antimicrobial therapy.

Results of study. Studies showed that the positive CRP test and the feebly marked one took place in 70% and 30% animals treated for peritonitis respectively. The positive and feebly marked reactions were noticed in 20% animals in the control group. The given results confirmed the presence of the inflammatory process in mice with experimental peritonitis induced by Escherichia coli. The CRP test was feebly marked in 80% animals of the group 1 and the group 2. Normalization of the CRP test in both groups was not noticed. CRP test was negative in 50% animals of the 3rd group treated by Amikacin combined with Gatiflocsacin. CRP test was positive in 80% animals of the 4th  group treated by Amikacin combined with Bacteriophagum Coli-Proteicum (BCP). This test proved to be feebly marked in 20% animals in the 4th group. Combination of Gatiflocsacin and BCP in the 5th group led to considerable reduce in CRP content in 80% animals. Normalization of CRP content was observed in the 6th group where mice were treated by Amikacin combined with Gatiflocsacin and Bacteriophagum Coli-Proteicum. Levels of seromucoid were reduced up to 3.9 S/H in animals in the 3rd group and elevated up to 5.0 S/H in animals in the 4th group. Levels of seromucoid were reduced in both 5th and 6th groups. Antimicrobial therapy was most effective when Gatiflocsacin was combined with Bacteriophagum Coli-Proteicum and Gatiflocsacin was combined with Amikacin and Bacteriophagum Coli-Proteicum.

Conclusions. 1. Increased content of acute – phage proteins confirms the presence of inflammatory process in animals with experimentally induced peritonitis. 2. Combination of Gatiflocsacin with Bacteriophagum Coli-Proteicum as well as a combination of Gatiflocsacin with Amikacin and Bacteriophagum Coli-Proteicum were the most effective treatment for experimental peritonitis.


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How to Cite

Minukhin VV, Kosilova OY. Level of the proteins of the acute phase as criterions of the antibacterial therapy effectiveness in the E.coli associated experimental peritonitis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Sep.3 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(4). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/16909



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