Ombudsman on health protection as a factor of guarantee of human rights in conditions of medical reform in Ukraine


  • Yu. O. Voloshyn National Aviation University, Kyiv,
  • O.V. Martseliak Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University,
  • A. O. Yanchuk State Secretary of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv,



human rights, health care, innovation and improvement, ombudsman



The article considers the need to introduce the post of health ombudsman.

Aim. To study national legislation regulating the main directions of health care reform in order to improve the constitutional and legal mechanism for the protection of human rights inUkraine and to promote the proper observance of Ukrainian citizens rights in the field of health care.

Methods: dialectical method, system analysis, structural-functional and formal-legal method.

Results. The state, guaranteeing social rights of citizens, in particular on health care, thus declares that the state of social security becomes possible only if the mechanisms of legal regulation are applied. It is determined that in many countries, the ombudsman institution has become an integral part of the state power mechanism. This institution is an addition to existing forms of control and supervision of the observance of human and civil rights and freedoms. The introduction of the health ombudsman institution inUkraine would increase the control over the functioning of medical institutions and significantly improve the medical care of the population.

Conclusions. The introduction of a specialized ombudsman in the field of health care would facilitate the comprehensive implementation of medical reform inUkraine, effectively responding to detected legislative gaps in its implementation, and promote the proper observance of the rights of Ukrainian citizens in the field of health care.






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How to Cite

Voloshyn YO, Martseliak O, Yanchuk AO. Ombudsman on health protection as a factor of guarantee of human rights in conditions of medical reform in Ukraine. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2019Oct.1 [cited 2025Jan.27];(5). Available from:


