Influence of biodegradution prodacts of the implants with magnesium based alloy on the rat’s organism


  • M. L. Golovakha
  • I. F. Belenichev
  • G. A. Zhernovaya
  • V. N. Chorny
  • E. V. Yatsun



magnesium, implant, toxicity


The effect of degradation products of the implant magnesium based alloy on the rats (test group 14 animals,  control groups – 6). The study was based on a study of the protein level indicators and nitrite in urine, and behavioral responses. As a result of the found no significant differences in terms of the test and control groups of laboratory animals.

Materials and methods.

We used white mongrel male rats weighing 220-270 g (n = 20). The animals of the experimental group (n = 14) in the femur muscle mass, of a modified retainer implanted magnesium alloy ML-10. The control group consisted of white mongrel male rats weighing 230-250 g (n = 6) were not subjected to surgery (intact group). Animal Watching, lasted for 6 months. In order to identify possible signs of intoxication conducted regular weighing animals (twice a month), followed their motor activity and research, followed by the nature of their use of water and food, the state of hair and mucous membranes. To detect violations of the urinary system conducted a study of pet urine on its content of protein and nitrite. In behavioral studies in terms of toxicology test was performed "open field." Both groups of animals had free access to food and water, and received a standard diet.

Results and Discussion.

Dynamics showed that during the first two weeks after surgery, the rats of the experimental group there was a slight decrease in this indicator (7%), which, in our opinion, has been associated with post-operative trauma and pain at the site of intervention, rather than toxic effects of degradation products of implants . Further observation of rat study group showed a significant improvement in appetite in rats and a significant increase in weight. In addition, the systematic monitoring of the scalp and mucous membranes did not reveal any abnormalities. In the urine collected from the metabolic chambers were found only traces of protein and the amount of nitrites were not significantly different from those of intact rats. Revealed no increase in proteinuria. The study of orientation and exploratory behavior in the "open field" found that on the second day after surgery with implants in rats decreased the total index of motor activity and exploratory behavior by 60.6%. On the 14th day after the operation of the activity of the animals of the experimental group rose slightly, but was significantly lower (35.3%) than in the group of intact rats. This phenomenon can be attributed to post-operative trauma. Further indicators of physical activity research and intact groups were not significantly different. The lack of neurotoxicity of degradation products of implants confirmed the general neurological status of animals (high level of emotional and behavioral reactivity, the absence of symptoms of neurological deficits, high locomotor and exploratory activity, locomotor stereotypies and emotional state).


Conducted registration of specific and non-specific symptoms of intoxication on the study of the biological safety of biodegradable magnesium implants showed:

1) no adverse impact on the overall physical condition (no pathological changes the eye, hair, mucous membranes, body weight)

2) no change in behavior - high motor and Research activity is detected neurological deficits and abnormalities in emotional state.



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How to Cite

Golovakha ML, Belenichev IF, Zhernovaya GA, Chorny VN, Yatsun EV. Influence of biodegradution prodacts of the implants with magnesium based alloy on the rat’s organism. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Nov.13 [cited 2024Oct.25];15(5). Available from:



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