
  • A. V. Zharkih
  • V. G. Sjusjuka
  • V. A. Plotnik



miscarriage, sanatorium rehabilitation, course of pregnancy and childbirth


Introduction. Miscarriage is one of the important problems in modern obstetrics and pediatrics, which is responsible for its negative impact on women's health, a direct connection to a high perinatal mortality [1, 6, 7]. Pregnancy loss rate changes from 10 up 25% of all pregnancies and is not marked tendency to it’s decrease [2, 6]. Therefore particularly important to the develop new methods of treatment and rehabilitation of pregnant women, especially health resort treatment. This allows to get a set of extremely valuable, long-lasting effects of adaptive-compensatory and protective changes and to reduce the adverse effects on the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

The aim of the work was to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation of women with miscarriage in clinical sanatorium «Velikij Lug».

Materials and methods. We observed 93 women. Thirty women with threatened miscarriage, who received sanatorium treatment, composed the main group. The comparison group included 28 women with threatened miscarriage, who did not receive rehabilitation sanatorium during pregnancy. The control group consisted of 35 women without risk of early termination of pregnancy and physical illness and who didn’t receive sanatorium rehabilitation. The research was conducted on the basis of clinical sanatorium «Velikij Lug» and the birth house number 9.

The results of research. The average age of pregnant women was 27,3 ± 0,65 years. Significant differences between the groups were not founded. The threat of miscarriage in the main group was in the first trimester - 58.3% versus 60.7% in the comparison group, in the second trimester - 35.7% vs. 61.6%, while in the third trimester - 8.94% vs. 33.3 %. The threat of preterm birth in the main group was met with the frequency of 14.3%, while in the comparison group - 41.7%. Gestational age of all women ranged from 19 to 33 weeks. Among the most frequent extragenital pathology should be noted anemia during pregnancy, chronic gastro, and chronic pyelonephritis. One woman in the main group had preterm delivery (3.85%). In the second group five women (16.7%) had premature births. In the control group preterm labor was not observed. Deliveries in the first group of women were complicated by premature rupture of membranes in 18.3%, while in the second group, only in 12.5% of cases. In the control group, this figure was 20%. Births by caesarean section have been observed in two pregnant women in the main group (6.7%) and in five (17.9%) women in the comparison group. Average evaluation results by Apgar scores at 1st  minute of the newborns in the first group was 7,8 ± 0,1, and  at 5th  minute - 8,3 ± 0,1, in the second group - 6,8 ± 0,5 and 7,2 ± 0 5 points respectively. There are established significant differences between the indices of the main group and the comparison group, as well as the main group and the control group.


  1. In women with threatened miscarriage during pregnancy and childbirth observed such complications as anemia during pregnancy, premature rupture of membranes, fetal distress, and premature delivery.
  2. There are marked positive effects of sanatorium rehabilitation in women with threatened miscarriage, which reduced the frequency of gestational complications and improve the outcome of delivery for the mother and fetus.


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How to Cite

Zharkih AV, Sjusjuka VG, Plotnik VA. RESULTS OF SANATORIUM REHABILITATION IN TREATMENT OF THE PREGNANT WOMEN WITH MISCARRIAGE. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Nov.13 [cited 2024Oct.25];15(5). Available from:



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