Pharmaceutical care for symptoms of allergy during pregnancy and lactation: rational choice and use of antihistamines


  • T. B. Ryvak Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine,
  • O. M. Nepyivoda Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine,
  • A. Ya. Koval Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine.,



questionnaire survey, antihistamines, allergy, pregnancy, lactation



The aim of this study was to conduct a clinical-pharmaceutical evaluation of the rational choice and use of antihistamines during pregnancy and lactation by questionnaire survey.

Materials and methods. 95 respondents were questioned by a single specially designed protocol, taking into account the problematic issues associated with allergy symptoms during pregnancy/lactation. Methods applied: systematic approach, standardization, clinical-pharmaceutical, anonymous questionnaire, computer data processing, statistical.

Results. It has been established that 71 % of respondents developed symptoms of allergy during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding. Of the 57 women interviewed who reported breastfeeding, only 17 (30 %) had no allergy symptoms. It has been shown that there was no statistically significant difference between the occurrence of allergy symptoms in lactating and non-lactating women (Fischer’s exact criterion was 0.0084; P > 0.05). The most common manifestations of allergy reported by respondents were skin symptoms – 50 %, nose – 43 % and eyes – 16 %. The aforementioned conditions occurred in the first trimester of pregnancy in 26 % of women; during the entire pregnancy – in 25 % and in the II and III trimesters – in 18 %. As the reasons for the allergy symptoms development, 38 % of the respondents reported animal dander; 34 % – pollen of plants; 28 % – household chemicals, 16 % – insect bites and citrus. Regarding the treatment, drugs were prescribed by a doctor only in 39 % of the respondents; 30 % – practiced self-prescribing; 25 % – applied for pharmacist recommendation; 10 % of women used information from the Internet and 4 % – took advice from relatives.

Conclusions. As the majority of women surveyed practiced self-treatment (76 %), one third – self-prescription, we consider that the provision of high-quality pharmaceutical care by a pharmacist while dispensing antihistamines to patients with allergy symptoms during pregnancy and/or lactation, including appointment to a physician, is essential for maximizing the effectiveness and safety of pharmacotherapy. Patients should be consulted by specialists (physician, clinical pharmacist, and pharmacist) before taking any medication during pregnancy/lactation.


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How to Cite

Ryvak TB, Nepyivoda OM, Koval AY. Pharmaceutical care for symptoms of allergy during pregnancy and lactation: rational choice and use of antihistamines. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2020Apr.13 [cited 2024Oct.25];22(2). Available from:



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