Statistical analysis of disability in spinal injury and spinal cord injury


  • E. G. Pedachenko
  • A. V. Ipatov
  • O. M. Tarasenko



spinal trauma, disability, results of treatment, medical and social examination, statistics


Spinal trauma is one of the most challenging problems of modern neurosurgery. In the USA every year about 8-10 thousand new cases of the complicated spinal trauma are recorded, in Ukraine this number is 2-3 thousand in a year. The results of examination of 130 patients with spinal trauma by medical and social examination departments were analized. All patients were acknowledged as invalids, or their sick-leaves were prolonged for further treatment and subsequent re-examination. The analysis of disability was conducted depending on a sex, hardness and level of trauma and further employment of patients was observed.


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How to Cite

Pedachenko EG, Ipatov AV, Tarasenko OM. Statistical analysis of disability in spinal injury and spinal cord injury. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Oct.22 [cited 2025Feb.23];(6). Available from:



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