Level of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and myocardium remodeling in patients with acute postinfarction aneurism of left ventricle


  • V. D. Syvolap Zaporozhye state medical univercity,
  • S. M. Kyselov Zaporozhye state medical univercity,




myocardial infarction, left ventricle aneurism, predictors of heart aneurism formation


67 patients with diagnosis: Q-wave myocardial infarction – were examined. Level of matrix metalloproteinase-9, structural and functional indexes of myocardium remodeling were studied in patients with acute postinfarction aneurism of left ventricle. Early predictors of left ventricle aneurism formation were revealed in patients with acute Q-wave myocardial infarction.



Background. Problem of acute myocardial infarction till nowadays remains relevant, because it’s one of the leading causes of mortality, morbidity and disability in most developed countries. Severity of postinfarction remodeling is a factor that determines the degree of myocardial dysfunction and prognosis of survival. During the first few days after the onset of AMI disproportionately thinned and stretched infarcted area, which is no longer able to resist to intraventricular pressure, which subsequently leads to an expansion of a heart attack until the formation of an aneurysm or heart failure. In this case, the structural and functional changes in the heart muscle affects both the affected and intact areas of the myocardium , marked by the passage of the phase of adaptive and maladaptive processes. Mechanisms of postinfarction remodeling caused by the interaction of cell as well as extracellular factors, starting immediately after coronary artery occlusion with the normal degradation of the extracellular matrix , migration of inflammatory cells to the site of damage and induction of biologically active peptides. In recent studies there was a high expression of MMP -9 in patients with acute coronary syndrome, showing the value of its serum concentration as a marker of inflammation, a predictor of restenosis and cardiovascular mortality in patients with coronary heart disease. This gives reason to explore the prognostic value of early detection of the level of MMP -9 in myocardial infarction as a marker of adverse postinfarction remodeling.

Methods. Sixty seven patients with acute myocardial infarction were examined and divided to two groups: first – thirty five patients with left ventricle aneurism, second – thirty two patients with uncomplicated acute Q-wave myocardial infarction. All patients were examined by general physical examination, standard laboratory tests, electrocardiography, echocardiography. Diagnostics of heart aneurism was done by clinical, electrocardiographical and echocardiographical data. Statistical analyses of the results was carried out on a personal computer with the help of a licensed program “Statistica” (version 6.0, Stat Soft Inc, USA).

Results. Among patients with left ventricle aneurism in comparison with uncomplicated acute myocardial infarction segment ST remains elevated till 3-d and 5-th day without dynamic changes of T-wave in anterior thoracic leads, it was mentioned significant predominance of left ventricle dilatation, mitral regurgitation, decreased systolic function of left ventricle, diastolic dysfunction of II type and high serum level of MMP-9. During correlation analysis there were revealed factors with strong significant direct and inverse correlations with left ventricle aneurism formation. By multivariate logistic regression it was formed equation including built reliable predictors of aneurism formation in acute period of Q-wave myocardial infarction.

Conclusions. Among patients with acute postinfarction aneurism it was revealed significant prevalence of MMP-9 serum level, strong direct correlation connection with left ventricle aneurism formation, high regression coefficient, that confirm significant role of MMP-9 in the process of postinfarction left ventricle aneurism formation. Significant predictors of left ventricle aneurism formation in patients with acute Q-wave myocardial infarction are age more than 65 years, quantity of myocardial infarctions in anamnesis, elevated systolic blood pressure in admission, segment ST elevation index on 3-d day of acute myocardial infarction, end-diastolic diameter of left ventricle, systolic and diastolic (2 type) dysfunction of left ventricle, mitral regurgitation, quantity of dyskinetic segments of left ventricle and high serum level of MMP-9.



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How to Cite

Syvolap VD, Kyselov SM. Level of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and myocardium remodeling in patients with acute postinfarction aneurism of left ventricle. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jan.29 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(6). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/20795



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