Effect of bile acids on digestion






желчь, желчные кислоты, белки, ферменты



Studying the effects of different bile acids in the body in recent years significantly increased the understanding of their physiological functions. The role of bile acids is to transfer to Striated border of enterocytes lipids in high micellar concentration and subsequent return them to the water layer in the molecular form. The rate of diffusion of molecules or particles is inversely proportional to the square root of the magnitude of their molecular weight.

Main components of the glycoprotein complex (GPC) allows to preserve the natural structure of mucosa. Previous physicochemical experiments on GPC established presence of bile acids (3,5 to 10 mg/ml), enzymes (amylase and lipase), amino acids (from 10150 to 29500 ug/ml) in the complex.


The aim was to study the influence of bile on fat filtration on the model of GPC.

Method and Materials. 

Soaked filters were put on the tubes: with bile - the first, water - the second group, GPC bile at a dose of 25 mg/kg - the third group. Then on each filter was poured 2 ml of liquid fat. 30 minutes after the start of the experiment the amount of liquid fat that passes through the filter was measured.

Results and Discussion. 

As established in the first group (bile medical), the amount of liquid fat, which passed through the filter amounted to 1,85±0,02 ml. In the second group (water) - 0,30 ± 0,03 ml. In the third group (GPC 25 mg/kg) - 1,75±0,02 ml. After that the impact of GPC bile in emulsification of fats was studied. 1 ml of vegetable oil and 1,5 ml of purified water were contributed in three series of tubes. The first series of test tubes left unchanged. In the other two 2 ml in 2 series - medical bile in 3 series - GPC bile were added. Tubes were shaken in all series. In the first (control series) observed the formation of turbid fluid - emulsion. However, in a few seconds instability of the emulsion was detected. In the second and third series of tubes formation of stable emulsions which are stable for about 1 minute was observed.

Studying of the impact of GPC on bile motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The method is based on determining the length of the path traversed by contrast weighing intestine that characterizes asset -ness motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Studying the impact of HPC on bile motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract was performed on white mice weighing 20,0-23,0 for 20 hours exposed to starvation diet without restriction of water intake. Animals were divided into two groups of in 6 each. The first group of animals, which were an hour before the mass introduction of contrast injected bile GPC 25 mg/kg, the second group - the control animals, which an hour before the administration of contrast were injected mass equivalent amount of water. 10% slurry of activated charcoal in 1% starch paste was used as a contrast. After 60 minutes after the injection the animals were administered 0,3 ml of contrast mass. After 40 minutes the animals were taken out of the experiment dislocation of the cervical vertebrae. Measurement of the absolute length of the intestine and the path traversed by contrasting mass through the intestines, carried out on graph paper.


It was established that GPC bile promotes the absorption of fats, activates lipase during digestion and stimulates intestinal peristalsis in experimental animals and can be recommended as a preventive measure to improve digestion.



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How to Cite

Stremoukhov OO. Effect of bile acids on digestion. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jan.29 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(6). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/20811



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