Clinical and psychopathological features of first-episode bipolar affective disorder




bipolar affective disorder, primary episode, clinical and psychopathological phenomenology


The article analyzes the clinical and gender features of clinical and psychopathological phenomenology of the first-episode bipolar affective disorder (BAD).

The aim of the work was to study the features of the psychopathological phenomenology of the first-episode of BAD in the context of the clinical variant and taking into account the gender factor.

Materials and methods. In total, 65 men and 88 women with first-episode BAD were clinically examined using the Symptom Check List-90-Revised Psychopathological Symptom Expression Questionnaire.

Results. In the depressed type of the first-episode BAD in men, the levels of depression were significantly higher – 2.80 ± 0.48 points versus 2.61 ± 0.49 points (P = 0.044); interpersonal sensitivity – 1.39 ± 0,31 points versus 1.28 ± 0.28 points (P = 0.037), and in women – insignificantly higher levels of somatization, obsessive compulsive symptoms, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety. In patients with a manic episode, the level of somatization, hostility and psychosis was insignificantly higher in men, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, phobic anxiety – in women. In the mixed episode, men had insignificantly higher indicators of obsessive-compulsive symptoms, interpersonal sensitivity, phobic anxiety, paranoid symptoms, and women - somatization, depression and anxiety.

Significantly stronger association between psychopathological symptoms severity and the clinical variant of BAD was revealed, in particular, significantly higher levels of all psychopathological symptoms severity, with the exception of paranoid, as compared to patients with depressive and manic episodes; comparing patients with depressive and mixed episodes, there were differences in interpersonal sensitivity (P = 0.000), depression (P = 0.000) in men, obsessive-compulsive symptomatology (P = 0.012), interpersonal sensitivity (P = 0.000), depression (P = 0.000) in women, and obsessive-compulsive symptomatic (P = 0.021), interpersonal sensitivity (P = 0.000), depression (P = 0.000) in all patients. The comparison between groups with manic and mixed episodes found differences in somatization (P = 0.002), obsessive compulsive symptoms (P = 0.007), depression (P = 0.001), anxiety (P = 0.001), hostility (P = 0.012) in men (P = 0.004), somatization (P = 0.003), depression (P = 0.004), anxiety (P = 0.004), hostility (P = 0.011), psychosis (P = 0.019) in women, somatization (P = 0.000), obsessive-compulsive symptoms (P = 0.003), interpersonal sensitivity (P = 0.017), depression (P = 0.000), anxiety (P = 0.000), hostility (P = 0.000), psychosis (P = 0.006) in all subjects.

Conclusions. The data obtained suggest a pivotal role of psychopathological symptoms severity in first- episode BAD and its clinical variant while the gender factor plays a secondary one.


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How to Cite

Mysula YI, Venher OP, Sydliaruk NI. Clinical and psychopathological features of first-episode bipolar affective disorder. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2020Jul.22 [cited 2025Mar.9];22(4). Available from:



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