Analysis of disability due to spinal trauma in Ukraine in 2012


  • A. V. Ipatov SI «Ukrainian State Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability of MPH of Ukraine», Dnipropetrovsk,
  • О. N. Tarasenko SI «Ukrainian State Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability of MPH of Ukraine», Dnipropetrovsk,
  • О. Yu. Zabara SI «Ukrainian State Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability of MPH of Ukraine», Dnipropetrovsk,



Spinal trauma, disability, medical and social assessment


Entry. Disability due to injuries of the musculoskeletal system in the past two decades is on the third place behind cardiovascular disease and cancer. Key indicators of disability are grooved by Medical Expert Commission of Ukraine in the annual analytical and informational governmental references, but lack data on disability due to spinal cord injury they include.

Purpose. Examining the status of disability due to spinal injuries and spinal cord in 2012 in Ukraine.

Materials and methods. In a specially designed program for the first time studied the state of disability due to spinal cord injury centers based on medical and social assessment in 24 regions of Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Kiev and Sevastopol in 2012.

Results. The total number of recognized initially disabled due to spinal cord injury was 2637 people, or 0.7 per 10,000 adult population. Repeatedly recognized as disabled - 11783 man, or 3.1 per 10,000 adult population. When comparing the level recognized as disabled by regions noted that it is higher in the "industrial" regions (Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kharkov regions). Indicators of disability due to spinal cord injury in the Ivano-Frankovsk region, far superior to those in other areas.

Conclusions.  In 2012, in Ukraine the primary disability due to spinal cord injuries totaled 2,637 persons or 0.7 per 10,000 adult population.  In 2012 in Ukraine again as disabled due to spinal cord injury were 11783 people or 3.1 per 10,000 of adult population.


Author Biography

A. V. Ipatov, SI «Ukrainian State Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability of MPH of Ukraine», Dnipropetrovsk

Department of MCE and  Rehabilitation  of trauma and orthopedic diseases in combination with damage of the peripheral nervous system


Основні показники інвалідності та діяльності медико- соціальних експертних комісій України за 2010 рік: аналітико-інформаційний довідник / [В.В. Марунич, А.В. Іпатов, Ю.І. Коробкін та ін.]; за ред. І.М. Ємця. – Д.: Пороги, 2011. – 135 с.

Основні показники інвалідності та діяльності медико- соціальних експертних комісій України за 2011 рік : аналітико-інформаційний довідник / [В.В. Марунич, А.В. Іпатов, Ю.І. Коробкін та ін.]; за ред. Р.В. Богатирьової. – Д.: Пороги, 2012. – 150 с.

Інформаційна технологія аналізу динаміки інвалідності / М.К. Хобзей, А.В. Іпатов, І.В. Дроздова та ін. – Д.: Пороги, 2012. – 269 с.

How to Cite

Ipatov AV, Tarasenko ОN, Zabara ОY. Analysis of disability due to spinal trauma in Ukraine in 2012. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jan.29 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(6). Available from:



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