The improvement programs for preparation general practitioners on rendering urgent medical aid


  • V. O. Vishnevskyi Dnepropetrovsk medical institute of traditional and non-traditional medicine,



programs, improvement, doctors, preparation, urgent medical aid



General practitioners should have a good knowledge and skills on rendering urgent medical aid at accidents and acute diseases. The general percent of lethality depends on quality and timeliness of emergency medical aid. The medical practice now requires the preparation of a general practitioner, which is able at modern scientific and technical level to decide the questions of specific help to the victim.

The aim of research: to offer some additions to the main program, which could help to improve the quality of training of general practitioners on providing the urgent medical aid in extreme conditions.

On the cycles of traumatology and military-field surgery the main part of the educational process, according to our experience, are the aspects of clinical diagnosis and differentiation signs of the acute conditions. Today it is necessary to create programs, oriented on providing of high-professional level and high-quality preparation of graduating students to work in extreme conditions. The trainings must have a practical orientation, consideration of variants of medical sorting, order of doctor’s work in extreme situations, when the volume of diagnostic and medical measures is sharply limited. The issues of medical sorting of pathology must necessarily represent on the lecture courses of traumatology and military-field surgery, as well as during the analysis of duty doctors at the morning conferences. On practical trainings a considerable place should be given to discussion the questions of succession in treatment of victims on the stages of medical evacuation. In our opinion, the best form of acquisition of practical skills is the independent work with urgent patients under the supervision of the teacher, duty in receiving-diagnostic, traumatology and other surgical separations, and also reanimation hall during production practice. The control form of the level of knowledge and skills is a three-stage mixed control: the I stage is examination of a specific patient (victim) and diagnosis; the II stage is an assessment of the practical skills on performance of diagnostic and medical manipulations, work as assistant at the operations; the III stage is assessment of theoretical knowledge by the test control, situational tasks and interview. The program of preparation on rendering medical aid in extreme conditions includes three levels of mastering of knowledge and practical skills: the I level is a professional orientation on the situation task; the II level is a student can use the knowledge and mastered skills under control of specialist; the III level is a student independently uses knowledge and practical skills in professional activity. A final form of control of knowledge is module control on a traumatology and military field surgery, that must be plugged in state examinations, which includes test control, check of practical skills and interview.

Conclusions: In our view, the offered additions to the main program, three levels mastering of knowledge and practical skills on providing of the urgent medical aid, will help to improve quality of preparation of the doctors to work in extreme conditions, when the volume of diagnostic and medical measures is considerably limited.



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How to Cite

Vishnevskyi VO. The improvement programs for preparation general practitioners on rendering urgent medical aid. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jan.29 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(6). Available from:



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