Use of raiting assessment of students at studying of technology of medications under the credit – module system of study


  • T. M. Litvinenko Zaporozhye State Medical University,



using, rating, foreign student, technology of medicine, credit-modular system


Introduction of credit-module system into educational process is a main requirement of Bolognese process. First and foremost rating estimation of student’s knowledge is a modern technology in educational field which helps teacher to estimate of student’s knowledge objectively.

Aim of article. To analyze tactic of carrying out training for foreign students in technology of medications.

Materials and methods. Investigation was carrying out on the basis of new working program of technology of medications with introduction of credit-module system into educational process. As material was used experience in working with foreign students, textbooks and methodical decisions of department, faculty and university.

Results and their discussion.

Usage of this system in educational process for foreign students will help teacher to take into account special features of each student and give a chance to teach how to enrich their knowledge of technology of medications on one's own.


Teacher’s collaboration with each student is a guarantee of quality usage of credit-module system in higher institutes of education.


Author Biography

T. M. Litvinenko, Zaporozhye State Medical University

Department of technology of medications


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How to Cite

Litvinenko TM. Use of raiting assessment of students at studying of technology of medications under the credit – module system of study. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jan.29 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(6). Available from:



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