The efficacy of practical skills mastering by students pharmacists during compounding practical training


  • L. O. Puchkan Zaporozhye State Medical University,



features, practical skills, student, practical training


Introduction. Practical training give students opportunity of good mastering of practical skills.

The aim of this article was to study efficacy of practical skills mastering by students pharmacists during practical training.

Materials and methods. 110 5-thyear students pharmacists took part in this study. 200 tests were used as a base for practical skills assess. Statistic analysis with confidence level p<0,5 was used.

Results and discussion. It was ascertained that average assess on the course was 93%±2%. Also 81 students from 110 got over 95%, 15 students got over 93% and 14 students got over 91%. Obtained results confirmed high quality of student’s training practical classes.

Conclusions. Adoption of new technology in training is a necessity in process of student’s studying. Use of modern practical bases, workbooks and supervisor’s experience allow students to master practical skills. This experiment confirmed that students have average 93±2 per cent in computer tests and practical skills during practical studies.

Author Biography

L. O. Puchkan, Zaporozhye State Medical University

Department of technology of medications


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How to Cite

Puchkan LO. The efficacy of practical skills mastering by students pharmacists during compounding practical training. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jan.29 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(6). Available from:



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