Biocompatibility of implants in planned and urgent hernia surgery




ventral hernia, surgical pathology, recurrence, atrophy, implant, algernioplasty


The aim of the work – to analyze modern scientific and practical achievements in the effectiveness of implants in planned and emergency hernia surgery and to identify promising areas for further research.

The literature review presents modern views on the assessment of biocompatibility, effectiveness and appropriateness of the use of implants in planned and urgent hernia surgery. The importance of determining the main factors of ventral hernia occurrence, assessing the prognostic components of the reparative process course in the field of hernioplasty and methods of correction has been substantiated. Physicochemical characteristics of implants, which both historically and on an up-to-date level are used according to planned or urgent conditions for performing surgical intervention in patients with ventral hernias, are given. The necessity of using an integrated approach to choosing a method for correction or reconstruction of the abdominal wall, taking into account the biological and dynamic conditions of its state, is shown. The need for a selective approach to the choice of therapeutic tactics in patients, especially if hernia repair is necessary in conditions of a clean-contaminated or infected surgical wound, is emphasized.

Conclusions. In order to improve the consequences of hernioplasty, it is necessary to assess patient's reserves and risks more thoroughly and comprehensively, as well as to make absolute indications for the use of implants. An improvement in the results of urgent and planned repair of ventral hernias is to perform surgical interventions only in surgery departments constantly provided with modern world achievements.


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How to Cite

Slonetskyi BI, Tutchenko MI, Verbytskyi IV, Kotsiubenko VO. Biocompatibility of implants in planned and urgent hernia surgery. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2021Apr.7 [cited 2025Mar.12];23(1):152-8. Available from:


