Current trends in diagnostic and treatment tactics in patients with strangulated ventral hernias




strangulated ventral hernia, herniorraphy, implant, treatment tactics


The aim of the work. To analyze the world achievements in modern diagnostic and treatment tactics in patients with strangulated ventral hernias, as well as to outline promising and pragmatic directions for further research.

The literature review presents current trends and views on the choice of individual components of the integrated diagnostic approach in patients with strangulated ventral hernias, and focuses on various principles of therapeutic tactics. The need to further improve the examination methods of abdominal organs, anterior abdominal wall, hernia contents (polypositional roentgenoscopy or roentgenography, ultrasound, CT, MRI) is emphasized and prospects of allohernioplasty and videolaparoscopic technologies with an integrated approach in choosing the method for correction or reconstruction of abdominal wall depending on the prognostic risk factors of postoperative complications are substantiated. Comparison of individual priorities of planned hernia surgery provided the opportunity to define the main directions in terms of urgent medical treatment features for patients with strangulated ventral hernias, taking into account a phasal nature of the pathological process and the availability and applicability of various synthetic implants.

The literature analysis allowed for enough critical evaluation of the current state of tension-free allohernioplasty – the main fundamental principle of modern urgent surgery for ventral hernias and determining the main pragmatic directions of a selective approach in choosing the therapeutic tactics for patients with infected surgical wound.

Conclusions. Urgent surgery of strangulated ventral hernias requires adequate and timely provision of individual and differentiated approaches in choosing the volume and method of surgery. Improvement of methods for predicting and preventing complications in patients with strangulated ventral hernias will expand the indications for the use of advanced types of tension-free hernioplasty.

Author Biographies

B. I. Slonetskyi, Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor of the Surgery Department of the Dental Faculty

М. I. Tutchenko, Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Head of the Surgery Department of the Dental Faculty

I. V. Verbytskyi, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Kyiv

MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Emergency Medicine

V. O. Kotsiubenko, Kyiv City Clinical Emergency Hospital, Kyiv, Ukraine



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How to Cite

Slonetskyi BI, Tutchenko МI, Verbytskyi IV, Kotsiubenko VO. Current trends in diagnostic and treatment tactics in patients with strangulated ventral hernias. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2021Jul.1 [cited 2025Mar.9];23(4):583-9. Available from:


