Current aspects of the wound process treatment using dressings (bandages)
wounds, bandages, treatment, pharmaceutical formulation, medicineAbstract
The review provides information concerning the assortment of modern wound dressings (bandages) which are presented on the pharmaceutical market. The studied group of dressings varies widely in chemical composition and active pharmaceutical ingredients. It has been determined that the development of modern wound dressings provides for the realization of a complex effect on the wound process, which is achieved by the multi-layer structure of the dressing (bandages) with clearly defined functions of each component – the contact layer reduces adhesion to the wound surface; sorption layer provides irreversible sorption, retention and inactivation of wound exudate; pharmacologically active layer influences the main factors of wound process pathogenesis; outer isolating membrane generates wound occlusion.
Conclusions. The events of recent years which related to the Anti-terrorist operation / the Joint Forces Operation in Ukraine indicate the unresolved problem of combat surgical trauma treatment. This is an important issue for the Medical services of the Armed Forces and the health care system of Ukraine. This necessitates expanding the range of wound dressing (bandages) with combined action for military medicine. It has been determined that the treatment in the purulent-necrotic phase of the wound process, it is advisable to use wound dressings with strong osmotic and antibacterial activity and low adhesion to the wound surface. In the second phase of the wound process, it is advisable to use wound dressings with moderate osmotic activity and a combination of antibacterial and reparative properties. In the final phase of the wound process, wound dressings should prevent drying of the wound surface as well as protect and stimulate the growth of granulations.
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