Interleukin-4 and specific IgE to oranges levels study in persons with allergic anamnesis


  • A. S. Prilutskiy
  • N. B. Abylgazinova
  • K. Y. Tkachenko



allergy, interleukin-4, specific IgE, orange


Introduction. Currently allergic diseases pose a global health concern. The connection between immunoglobulin E antibodies (IgE-Ab) and allergic disorders is well established. However, the mechanisms through which IgE-Ab contribute to the pathogenesis of allergic diseases are yet to be elucidated. There are reports that highlight the crucial role of interleukins in the regulation of these processes. Thus, some authors pay attention to interleukin-4 (IL-4) which is important for the control of all aspects of the humoral response. Recent epidemiological studies show that oranges are largely consumed worldwide and commonly included in the diet in many countries being one of the main reasons of food allergy. So it was decided to investigate possible links between the levels of IL-4 and IgE-Ab both total and specific to the orange allergens.

The aim of this study is to determine the levels of IL-4, total and specific orange IgE-Ab (sIgE-Ab) concentrations in individuals with a history of allergic diseases and find some statistically significant links between these parameters.

Materials and methods. We selected and investigated serums of 180 patients between 7 months and 78 years with a history of allergic diseases who complained on frequent development of various allergic reactions, mainly atopic dermatitis, urticaria, etc. Determination of the levels of IL-4, total and specific IgE-Ab to the orange allergens was carried out using the first national ELISA test systems of the fourth generation (“Ukrmed-Don”, Donetsk, Ukraine). Specific IgE and IL-4 levels were examined in 180 patients and total IgE levels were investigated in 161 patients. Statistical analysis was performed using the licensed program “MedStat” (Donetsk, Ukraine). The median, the median error, the left and right limits of 95% confidence interval were calculated for all of three samples (IL-4, total IgE-Ab, sIgE-Ab). Central tendencies of two subgroups of IL-4, which were differentiated by the levels of sIgE-Ab (< and > 0,35 IU/ml) were compared using two sample Wilcoxon test. We also carried out correlation analysis aimed at revealing possible links between IL-4 and total IgE-Ab and between IL-4 and sIgE-Ab using Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient (Tau, p<0,05). Using the Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks test multiple comparisons of the IL-4 levels in five age groups (under 3 years of age and 3 year-old patients, from 4 to 6 years old, from 7 to 11 years old, from 12 to 18 years old, 19 year-old patients and over) were performed. Additionally, the correlation coefficient between the age and the levels of IL-4 was calculated by the Kendall`s method (Tau, p<0,05).

Results. It was found that central tendencies of interleukin-4 in two subgroups with different levels of sIgE-Ab (< and > 0,35 IU/ml) were different (p<0,001). Also significant were direct correlation links between interleukin-4 and IgE-antibodies both total (Tau=0,260, p<0,01) and specific to oranges (Tau=0,246, p<0,01) were revealed. The same links (p<0,01) were detected among children and adults separately. In addition, there was significant correlation link between interleukin-4 and specific IgE-antibodies to oranges in the subgroup with sIgE-Ab level > 0,35 IU/ml     (Tau=0,294, p<0,01), but in the subgroup with specific IgE-antibodies level < 0,35 IU/ml there was no one (Tau=0, p>0,05). Such findings support the evidence that IL-4 could play an important role in allergic response to orange proteins. Multiple comparisons carried out using the Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks test showed the absence of statistically significant difference of the IL-4 levels in the 5 treatment groups (p=0,207). Besides there was no significant correlation link between the levels of interleukin-4 and the patients age (Tau=0, p>0,05).

Conclusions. This data revealed statistically significant direct correlation links between IL-4 and IgE-Ab both total (Tau=0,260, p<0,01) and specific to oranges (Tau=0,246, p<0,01). A significantly higher (p<0,001) medium level of IL-4 was demonstrated to be in the group with specific IgE-Ab level > 0,35 IU/ml. The data obtained from the study might be useful both in public health and in further research in order to improve diagnostic and treatment algorithms in orange sensitized patients.


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How to Cite

Prilutskiy AS, Abylgazinova NB, Tkachenko KY. Interleukin-4 and specific IgE to oranges levels study in persons with allergic anamnesis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jun.19 [cited 2025Mar.9];16(2). Available from:



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