Resonance imaging in the diagnostics of metastatic vertebral compression fractures


  • S. A. Myagkov
  • A. P. Myagkov
  • А. S. Sеmentsоv
  • S. Y. Nаkоnеchniy



metastases, magnetic resonance imaging, compression fracture


Metastatic vertebral compression fractures  are widespreaded throughout the world, includingUkraine. The aim was to evaluate the methodological aspects and modern modalities of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of metastatic lesions of the spine. Lack of sensitivity, specificity and sometimes difficulty in the practical application of radiographic diagnosis of this disease makes problem of finding of the new methods of diagnosis, such as magnetic resonance imaging. From a critical perspective presented and evaluated pulse sequences (T1WI, T2WI, STIR, Fat/sat) and new modalities (DWI, Whole-body), which are used in the diagnosis of metastases. Introduction of these modern technologies in the diagnostic process has great scientific interest and considerable practical significance, and will also enhance the effectiveness of the treatment of these patients.


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How to Cite

Myagkov SA, Myagkov AP, Sеmentsоv АS, Nаkоnеchniy SY. Resonance imaging in the diagnostics of metastatic vertebral compression fractures. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jun.19 [cited 2025Mar.9];16(2). Available from: