Immuno-histochemical research of microvasculation in human prostate gland in an early postnatal ontogenesis


  • V. M. Yevtushenko



Prostate, Microcirculation, CD34 Antigen


Aim. According to epidemiological researches, chronic prostatitis and prostate hyperplasia are widespread diseases of middle age men, elderly and senile age.

Methods and results. The objective of the present work was a complex research of the microvasculation in human prostate gland in early postnatal ontogenesis. 30 human prostate gland from birth to one year old were studied. Materials were taken from persons, which death was a result of reasons that don’t lead to changes in studied organs. For studying the formation of the vascular net in the early postnatal ontogenesis cytospecifical endothelial marker CD-34was used.

Conclusion. Results suggest that on the condition of cytochemical and morphological parameters of the prostate gland in this age significantly influence sex hormones of mother.


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How to Cite

Yevtushenko VM. Immuno-histochemical research of microvasculation in human prostate gland in an early postnatal ontogenesis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jul.4 [cited 2025Feb.11];16(3). Available from:



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