The experimental study of the specific pharmacological action of «Artproment» combined gel


  • О. S. Shpychak
  • O. I. Tikhonov



Sports Injuries, Analgesic, Local Anesthetic, Decongestants, Sports Medicine


The preclinical experimental research concerning the study of the specific pharmacological action of "ArtpromentÒ" gel has been done. The gel developed contains propolis phenolic hydrophobic drug, articaine hydrochloride, menthol and rosemary oil in its composition. The medicine is planned to application in sports medicine with the purpose of treating traumatic injuries of organs of the locomotor apparatus accompanied with sport traumas (bruises, dislocations, sprains, ruptures of ligaments, tendons, etc.).

In this work the pharmacological, physiological, instrumental methods of research and methods of mathematical statistics have been used.

The study of the analgesic and local anesthetic action of the gel developed was conducted at the premises of the Central Research Laboratory of NUPh under the supervision of Doctor of Pharmacy, professor L.V.Iakovlieva on the model of tail thermoirritation in white rats weighing 180.0-200.0 g. The analgesic and local anesthetic actions were estimated by the ability of the medicine studied to change the pain threshold (duration of the latent period, sеc.) in animals of the test group comparing to the control group in the dose of 25 mg/cm2 and the base in the dose of 30 mg/cm2 after application to the tail.

The results of the experiment testify that when studying the influence of the combined gel on the course of the experimental nociceptive response of the central origin the significant analgesic action of "ArtpromentÒ" medicine has been determined; its highest intensity was observed in 2.5 and 3.5 hours after application and is 52 % and 59 %, respectively. Despite the fact that the progress of the pain syndrome in the model of tail thermoirritation is mediated by the central nervous system, it is possible to conclude that the developed gel has an expressed analgesic and local anesthetic action. The medicine shows the significant anti-edema action at the level of the reference medicine "Diclofen-gel" on the carrageenan-induced paw oedema model.

Taking into account that injuries of organs of the locomotor apparatus cause manifestation of inflammation and development of oedema it is expedient to study the anti-edema action of "ArtpromentÒ" gel in comparison with "Diclofen-gel", which is the complete analogue by the specific pharmacological action and the partial analogue by the composition. The research was conducted using the carrageenan-induced paw edema model in 24 rats weighing 180.0-200.0 g. Edema was caused by subplantar introduction of 0.1 ml of 1 % solution of carrageenin into one of the hind limbs of the animals of the test and control groups. Development of oedema was registered by increase of the paw’s volume measured in dynamics in 1; 2; 3; 4 і 5 hours with the help of a mechanical oncometer according to A.S. Zakharevsky.

The experimental results indicated that the medicine under research exhibits a significant anti-edema action on the level of the reference medicine "Diclofen-gel". It has been experimentally found that the average anti-edema action of the "ArtpromentÒ" gel within 5 hours is 39 %, "Diclofen-gel" – 48 %; it is the evidence of their similarity in the absence of confidence in the index divergence. Therefore, the developed medicine shows the expressed anti-edema action at the level of 40-50 %, this property together with the analgesic and local anesthetic activities allows to recommend it for further study with the purpose of creation of the local medicine for traumatic injuries of the locomotor system treating accompanied with sports traumas (bruises, dislocations, sprains, ruptures of ligaments, tendons, etc.).



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How to Cite

Shpychak ОS, Tikhonov OI. The experimental study of the specific pharmacological action of «Artproment» combined gel. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Sep.5 [cited 2025Mar.11];16(4). Available from:



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