Nootropic effects of bis(citrato)germanates (stannates) with different metals (Mg, Co) in their structure


  • V. V. Godovan
  • M. V. Matyushkina
  • R. S. Vastyanov



Metals, Active Escape, Conditioned-reflectory Activity, Memory, Learning, Nootropic Agents


Aim. Nootropic effects of bis(citrato)germanates (stannates) with different metals (Mg, Co) have been investigated in this article. With this aim the peculiarities of conditioned reflex formation as well as short- and long-term memory manifestations under the influence of the investigated coordinative compounds have been studied for 256 rats with the help of pathophysiological and pharmacological methods.

Methods and results. It has been shown that stannates influence on the development of active avoidance conditioned reflex as well as on the manifestations of mnestic functions. It has been found that germacit and gercocit induce positive nootropic effects that occur in case of low dose drugs administration and are characterized by relief of conditioned reflex formation and by short- and long-term memory improvement at the same time.

Conclusion. Stanmacit and stancocit also have nootropic effects that dependent on dose and are characterized by nootropic effect during administration in low doses and by amnestic effect at doses starting from 1/40 LD50. This indicates that stannates show nootropic activity.


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How to Cite

Godovan VV, Matyushkina MV, Vastyanov RS. Nootropic effects of bis(citrato)germanates (stannates) with different metals (Mg, Co) in their structure. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Oct.20 [cited 2025Mar.9];16(5). Available from:



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