Features of the immune response in children of early age with recurrent respiratory infections





Children, Recurrent, Respiratory Infections, Immunity


Topicality. Relevance of research is determined by the prevalence of recurrent respiratory infections in children of early age, altering their immune resistance.

Aim. With the purpose of immune response of these patients study we examined 107 patients with recurrent respiratory infections and those who had episodic respiratory infections.

Methods and results. We studied immunograms of the first level, immunoglobulin G fractions. We have found a decrease of the phagocytic activity of the cells, while increasing of their functional-metabolic state and growing willingness to apoptosis. According to the frequency analysis we identified trends to immunological changes in the form of an imbalance of T-lymphocytes regulatory subpopulations, slow decline of immunoregulatory index and IgG4 subpopulation content in the majority of patients with recurrent respiratory infections.

Conclusion. Changes of the immune response in the early recovery period of the recurrent respiratory infections were characterized with discoordination of units interaction that indicate incomplete bacterial eradication of infection.


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How to Cite

Boyarskaya LN, Herasimchuk TS, Kotlova YV, Davydova AH. Features of the immune response in children of early age with recurrent respiratory infections. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Oct.20 [cited 2025Mar.9];16(5). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/29119



Original research