The use of infrared thermography for abdominal gunshot wounds




infrared thermography, abdominal gunshot wound


Aim. To determine the effectiveness of infrared thermography to identify tissue debris of parenchymal organs and in the wound edges of hollow organs to be removed as well as for the surgical treatment of gunshot wounds of the anterior abdominal wall.

Materials and methods. The results of the infrared thermography use in the provision of surgical care to 67 wounded at the second level of medical care in the conditions of the Forward Surgical Group of the Military Mobile Hospital were analyzed.

Results. Clinical examples and results of the infrared thermography use for the diagnosis and treatment of gunshot wounds of the abdominal wall soft tissues, injuries to parenchymal and hollow abdominal organs are presented.

Conclusions. Intraoperative infrared thermography allows to quickly assess the viability of the abdominal wall soft tissues, necrotic tissue margins of parenchymal organs, the state of blood supply to the walls of damaged hollow organs and their viability, thereby optimizing surgical tactics for abdominal gunshot wounds.

Author Biography

I. V. Sobko, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine

Colonel of Medical Service, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Military Surgery Department


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How to Cite

Sobko IV. The use of infrared thermography for abdominal gunshot wounds. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2024May31 [cited 2025Mar.12];26(3):258-64. Available from: