The infl uence of the treatment with deltalycyn on clinical, functional and morphological manifestations of diabetic retinopathy


  • N. V. Kresyun



Diabetic Retinopathy, Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide, Aneurysm


Aim. Protective effects of delta sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) on retinopathy has been shown earlier on the model of streptozotocin diabetes mellitus. 52 patients with non-prolypherative form of diabetic retinopathy (DR) were prescribed treatment with deltalcyn intranasal administration
– drug, which was composed on the DSIP basis. This medication was taken during month twice per half of year.
Methods and results. Severity of DR was 20 – 35 units in accordance to ETDRS scale. It was established that in half of year index of optical density of macular pigment, which was determined in heterochrome fl icker – photometry test, increased by 32,4% (P<0.05) in compare to control group of patients (traditional treatment of 35 patients with DR). And exceeded the index which was registered before treatment by
35,1% (P<0.05). Vision acuteness increased by9,4 % (P<0,05), along with the reduction of the number of created microaneurisms – by 16,4% (P<0,05). It was observed during this period.
Conclusion. Deltalycyn possessed protective activity against not-prolypherative form of DR.


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How to Cite

Kresyun NV. The infl uence of the treatment with deltalycyn on clinical, functional and morphological manifestations of diabetic retinopathy. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Dec.8 [cited 2025Mar.7];16(6). Available from:



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