Influence of orthokeratology lenses on the state of accommodative function in children with myopia




Ocular Accommodation, Myopia, Lenses, Children


Aim. It was showed that optimal optical correction have positive effect on the accommodative apparatus of the myopic eye. Absolute and relative accommodation reserves, the nearest point of clear vision in 50 patients (100 eyes) with mild myopia was studied  in order to assess the state of the accommodative function of the eyes.

Methods and results. All patients undergone refractive therapy with orthokeratology lenses Paragon CRT during the year. It was established that refractive lenses use for orthokeratology therapy in patients with myopia increases the accommodation reserves in 3.8 times and in 2.8 times increase in the nearest point of clear vision at 2.4 cm.

Conclusion. This indicates the positive influence on accommodative opportunities of the myopic eyes.


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How to Cite

Tsybulskaya TE. Influence of orthokeratology lenses on the state of accommodative function in children with myopia. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Dec.8 [cited 2025Feb.4];16(6). Available from:



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