Method for radical surgical treatment of lower limbs varicose disease


  • D. Yu. Ryazanov
  • O. V. Mamunchak
  • A. N. Yakunich
  • D. A. Smirnova



Varicose Veins, Treatment, Phlebectomy


Aim. To develop a less traumatic method of surgical treatment of the lower extremities (VVLE).

Methods and results. Known method of radical treatment of varicose veins of the VVLE is the single-step execution of the phlebectomy of the large and small v. subcutaneous trunk, collaterals with subfascial ligation of perforating veins. But the method is highly traumatic. For the purpose to develop a less traumatic method of surgical treatment of the VVLE, 97 patients VVLE C2-C6 were examined with CEAP. Radical way of surgical treatment of the VVLE was developed. Components of the proposed operation are: crossectomy, short stripping of the trunk of v. subcutaneous major with removal of Boyd perforants, mini-phlebectomia by Muller.

Conclusion. It was established that the method has a smaller injuries and operative time, allows to save unaltered subcutaneous veins, have better cosmetic effect that testifies the advisability of the proposed method of treatment.


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How to Cite

Ryazanov DY, Mamunchak OV, Yakunich AN, Smirnova DA. Method for radical surgical treatment of lower limbs varicose disease. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Feb.9 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(1). Available from:



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