Restorative surgery of combined injuries of neurovascular structures of limbs


  • I. V. Pertsov
  • D. S. Ivakhnenko



Wounds and Injuries, Reconstructive Surgical Procedures, Laser-Doppler Flowmetry, Surgery Managment


Combined damage of neurovascular structures is complicate pathology and require repeated surgical interventions and often lead to permanent disability.

Aim. To define the features of restorative surgical treatment of traumatic injuries of limbs neurovascular structures and to study the effect of regional hemodynamics on the nerve function restore.

Methods and results. In 98 patients with combined trauma of the neurovascular structures microcirculation indicators were established with laser Doppler flowmetry and determine the degree of restoration of nerve function.

Conclusion. Strong direct correlation between the degree of restoration of nerve function and microcirculation was detected, the correlation coefficient was +0.72 at t = 3,16 p<0,05. Careful surgical restoration of blood flow helps to improve microcirculation in the limbs, makes positive impact on the recovery of limb function.


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How to Cite

Pertsov IV, Ivakhnenko DS. Restorative surgery of combined injuries of neurovascular structures of limbs. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Feb.9 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(1). Available from:



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