Features of the neuroimaging in congenital cytomegalovirus with radiation diagnostic methods


  • O. M. Hyria




Сytomegalovirus Infection, Newborns, Infants, Diagnosis, Neurosonography


The specific role of infectious agents that cause disease in newborn brain belongs to cytomegalovirus. There are certain difficulties in making differential diagnosis of congenital and acquired cytomegalovirus.

Aim. In order to improve differential diagnosis there was a need to develop differential diagnostic criteria of congenital and acquired (cytomegalovirus) CM in seropositive newborns and infants with perinatal central nervous system injury.

Methods and results. 63 newborns and 60 infants 1 year old with congenital cytomegaloviral infection were studied with neurosonography. Objective morphological symptoms that can prove the presence of congenital cytomegalovirus were revealed. Among CM seropositive newborns and infants proved ability to determine patients who become infected in antenatal period.

Conclusion. These data evidence antenatal origin of the disease and are useful for justification for the appointment of etiotropic treatment.


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How to Cite

Hyria OM. Features of the neuroimaging in congenital cytomegalovirus with radiation diagnostic methods. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Apr.27 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(2). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/42045



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