Study of the use possibility of the chemical-biological adduct of the 1,1-bis-[5-bromopyrimidine-2’,4’-diono-1’-il]-2-bromo-2’-chloroethylene and bacterial lectin for the treatment of the Pliss’ lymphosarcoma


  • O. V. Welchinska



5-Fluorouracil, Antineoplastic Antimetabolites, Lectins, Lymphatic Sarcoma


Aim. Study of the pyrimidine metabolism antimetabolites that can be preformed compounds in the link of biosynthetic processes and can brake tumour’s growth is a more successful, perspective finding direction of new antitumor medications. New original chemical-biological adduct was studied as potential antitumor agent.

Methods and results. It was obtained on the base of 1,1-bis-[5-bromopyrimidine-2’,4’-diono-1’-il]-2-bromo-2’-chloroethylene and antitumour bacterial lectin from Bacillus polymyxa. It was found that new chemical-biological adduct of bis-derivative of pyrimidine and bacterial lectin has little toxic preparation (LD50=635 mg/kg) and demonstrates considerable antitumour effect upon to 65.5% on Pliss Limphosarcoma tumour.

Conclusion. It confirms that new chemical-biological adduct is perspective for the future investigation as substance with a little toxicity and high antitumour activity on the Pliss Limphosarcoma.


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How to Cite

Welchinska OV. Study of the use possibility of the chemical-biological adduct of the 1,1-bis-[5-bromopyrimidine-2’,4’-diono-1’-il]-2-bromo-2’-chloroethylene and bacterial lectin for the treatment of the Pliss’ lymphosarcoma. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Apr.27 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(2). Available from:



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