Morphogenesis of the liver fibrosis development and progression in chronic hepatitis C


  • M. A. Shishkin



Hepatitis C Chronic, Liver Stellate Cells, Fibroblasts


Aim. The paper contains the results of pathohistological integrated computer-morphometric and immunohistochemical liver bioptates research of the patients with chronic viral hepatitis C to upgrade the most significant microscopic features of the liver fibrosis development and progression.

Methods and results. As a result of the research, histological activity index of chronic viral hepatitis C didn’t correlate in all the patients with liver fibrosis, found in histological preparations colored by Masson’s trichrome Stain or van Gieson’s Stain.

Conclusion. It has been stated that the prognostic signs of probability of liver fibrosis development in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C are hyperplasia of the activated positive A-SMA Ito cells in the liver perisinusoidal spaces and segmental collagenization of the intralobular venous sinusoids walls, availability of A-SMA positive fibroblasts in immunocellular «piecemeal necrosis» and in portal paths.


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How to Cite

Shishkin MA. Morphogenesis of the liver fibrosis development and progression in chronic hepatitis C. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Apr.27 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(2). Available from:



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