Immunohistochemical peculiarities of collagen-synthesis function of the main structural components of the uterus of the fetuses from mothers with complicated pregnancies


  • V. D. Markowski
  • L. S. Kupriyanova
  • O. Yu. Degtar



Pregnancy Complications, Fetus, Uterus, Pre-Eclampsia, Connective Tissue


Aim. To identify features of collagen-synthesizing function of the main components of the uterus of the fetuses.

Methods and results. 41 fetuses body structure were studied. Anthropometric, organometric, histological, histochemical, immunohistochemical and statistical methods were used. Immunohistochemistry results found a violation of collagen synthesis. Collagen types I and III production was increased and collagen type IV – decreased.

Conclusion. This connective tissue peculiarities in uterus wall layers may contribute to the development of the tissue dysplasia and reproductive dysfunction in the future.


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How to Cite

Markowski VD, Kupriyanova LS, Degtar OY. Immunohistochemical peculiarities of collagen-synthesis function of the main structural components of the uterus of the fetuses from mothers with complicated pregnancies. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Apr.27 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(2). Available from:



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