Glomerular Function in Term Neonates


  • A. G. Babintseva
  • Yu. D. Hodovanets
  • A. F. Zapotichna



Glomerular Filtration, Barrier, Cystatin C, Creatinine, Newborn Infant, Pathology


Aim. With the aim to detect the condition of glomerular function in term neonates 53 newborns (infants) with clinical signs of pathological course of early neonatal period of severe and moderate degree, and 34 conditionally healthy babies were examined.

Methods and results. The results of the studies were indicative of the fact that in case of combined somatic and neurologic pathology term neonates develop clinical-paraclinical signs of renal dysfunction including disorders of glomerular filtration. Conclusion. Reliable changes of serum creatinine and cystatine C levels as well as glomerular filtration rate calculated by the given markers are evidence of it. At the same time, certain literary data give evidence of higher information value of cystatine C as a marker of glomerular filtration in newborns as compared to the «gold» standard. 


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How to Cite

Babintseva AG, Hodovanets YD, Zapotichna AF. Glomerular Function in Term Neonates. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Jun.15 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(3). Available from:



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