Features of the SPINK5 gene polymorphism associations with food allergy onset and course in children


  • O. P. Pakholchuk




Children, Food Allergy, SPINK5-Human Protein, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism


Resume. It is less known about role of the genetically predisposing factors in the onset and course of the food allergy (FA).

We aimed to determine the association of the polymorphism in SPINK5 gene with FA.

Materials and methods. DNA genotypes were identified in children aged 2 months – 5 years with FA skin symptoms (n=53) depending on the presence of the guanine or adenine in both alleles in the 1258 position of the 14th exzone.

Results. Genomic frequencies of the SPINK5 polymorphism site were 15 (28.3%) for AA, 29 (54.7%) – AG, 9 (16.9%) – GG. Abnormal barrier gene STAT5 did not influence on the severity and kind of the FA symptoms, comorbidity. Children with AA<AG genotypes had significantly higher prevalence of food immediate hypersensitivity (p<0.05).

Conclusion. Not all food related skin manifestations are AD and small part of them are genetically predisposed.


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How to Cite

Pakholchuk OP. Features of the SPINK5 gene polymorphism associations with food allergy onset and course in children. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Sep.16 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(4). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/50296



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