Pathological features of the structure of the female genital organs from fetuses of mothers with complicated pregnancies


  • L. S. Kupriyanova



Fetus, Ovary, Pregnancy Complications, Pre-Eclampsiya


Aim. In the course of the study the structural features of fetal ovarian of mothers with severe preeclampsia in comparison with fetuses from healthy mothers were revealed.

Methods and results. Proliferation of connective tissue; mass mortality of the ovocytes; the prevalence of perishing primordial follicles in the follicular unit were demonstrated histologically. Histochemical methods established reduction in the intensity of the reaction to DNP in the nucleus and in the RNP in the cells cytoplasm. Morphometric method showed significant reduction in the relative volume of the follicular tissue, as well as a significant increase in the relative volume of the interstitial tissue. The described type of fetal ovarian structure of mothers with severe PE corresponds to hypoplastic type and constitutes a violation of the gonads formation in utero.

Conclusion.  The revealed features of the fetal ovaries structure can contribute to a violation of the germinal function in the further ontogenesis


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How to Cite

Kupriyanova LS. Pathological features of the structure of the female genital organs from fetuses of mothers with complicated pregnancies. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Sep.16 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(4). Available from:



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