Changes in blood plasma of professional football players during the continuous training-emulative activity


  • O. V. Chernev National Academy of Postgraduate Education named after Shupуka P.,



Football, Training, Competition, Plasma, Adaptation, Physiological Anoxia


Any physical activity is accompanied by speed changing of metabolic processes in the organism, peculiar changing of their directivities and accordingly, the emergence of biochemical changes in the muscles that perform work, in the internal organs, as well as in blood system.

Aim. To determine the changes that occur in blood plasma of professional footballers during continuous physical activity, 84 professional players were examined.

Methods and results. We have determined the direction and peculiarity of the cumulative effect of the impact of physical activity on changes in the blood of sportsmen during continuous period of an educational-training session (ETS). It was established that under the conditions of intensive or continuous physical load a steady prevalence of catabolic processes in the organism wes observed. The given changes, specified by the fact that during ETS sportsmen’s tension of adaptation processes is gradually increasing.

Moderate hyper-thrombotonin background in blood of the most sportsmen were observed in the beginning of ETS. Increase of permittivity membrane erythrocytes that reflected sorption capacity growth of the red blood cells was detected in individual sportsmen.

Cell membrane structures damage of during intensive or continuous training is of generalized character and takes place almost in all organs and tissues. Also serum AST (Aspartate aminotransferase), ALT (Alanine transaminase) and LDH (Lactate dehydrogenase) activity was studied in footballers during the ETS.

Conclusions. The specified level of activity of certain enzymes indicates hypoxic / ischemic state due to the training load during ETS.


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How to Cite

Chernev OV. Changes in blood plasma of professional football players during the continuous training-emulative activity. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Nov.20 [cited 2025Mar.7];17(5). Available from:



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