Gender peculiarities of epidemiology and clinical course in patients with psoriasis associated with arterial hypertension


  • G. I. Makurina Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • V. P. Fedotov Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • V. A. Vizir Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



Psoriasis, Essential Hypertension, Men, Women


The combination of psoriasis and hypertension influences on the clinical course of both diseases.

Aim. In order to study gender peculiarities of psoriasis and hypertension, we examined 81 patients suffering from both psoriasis and hypertension.

Methods and results. It was found that there are significant differences in factors, clinical manifestations of psoriasis, peculiarities of the clinical course of both dermatosis and hypertension, their relationship.

Conclusions. Most men with psoriasis in combination with hypertension were aged 55 –65 years, and women - 45 to 55 years. There were also some differences in concerning body weight. In common the most part of the patients was with normal or increased weight or with 1st stage of obesity. At the same time, male patients with III degree of obesity were by 8.33% more than women. Stress was identified among factors that provoke onset or exacerbation of dermatosis in 77.78% of women and 51.11% of men; indeterminate triggers were on the second place and season of the exacerbation occurring – on the third. Although heredity and season were on the second and third place in women.

Severe dermatosis with PASI values above 30 points were diagnosed in 64.2% of patients; men more often had exudative and arthropathic form of psoriasis and women - only аrthropathic form of dermatosis. Patients with above-mentioned severe forms had also violations of the circadian rhythm of blood pressure in the form of low decline in the evening and night hours.


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How to Cite

Makurina GI, Fedotov VP, Vizir VA. Gender peculiarities of epidemiology and clinical course in patients with psoriasis associated with arterial hypertension. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Nov.20 [cited 2024Oct.25];17(5). Available from:



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