Estimation of the glutathione system parameters depending on the variant of the disease course in patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis at coinfection tuberculosis/HIV


  • R. M. Yasinskiy Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



Tuberculosis, HIV, Coinfection, Disease Progression, Glutathione, Glutathione Peroxidase, Glutathione Reductase, Glutathione Transferase


The aim was to estimate the thiol-disulfide compounds depending on the variant of disease course in tuberculosis/HIV co-infected patients with newly diagnosed tuberculosis (NDT/HIV). Materials and methods. The study involved 54 patients with NDT/HIV, who were treated in the clinic of Zaporizhzhia regional clinical tuberculosis dispensary during 2010 – 2014 (average age 37,8 ± 1,2 y), 41 (75,9%) men, 13 (24,1%) women. Focal tuberculosis was diagnosed in 5 cases (9,3%), infiltrative – in 25 (46,3%) cases, disseminated – in 24 (44,4%) cases. The control group included 32 healthy individuals – blood donors (average age 35,9 ± 2,5 y), 22 (68,7%) men, 10 women (31,3%). Patients depending on the results of the treatment were retrospectively were divided into 3 groups: 1 – 15 patients with positive dynamics, 2 - with progressive disease course without systemic inflammatory response syndrome (n=13), 3 –with progressive disease course with SIRS (n=26).

Results. Levels of aldehyde-phenylhydrazone in 2nd and 3rd groups were significantly higher than in control in 1,3 and 1,2 times accordingly (p˂0,01 for both values), in the 3rd group they were higher in 1,1 times than in group 1, p˂0,05. Ketone-phenylhydrazone levels were higher in all groups compared with the control, in the 3rd group patients they were 1,1 times higher than in group 1, p˂0,05. The malondialdehyde level in 3rd group patients was higher than other groups parameters in 1,4 times in comparison with 1-t (p˂0,005) and 1.2 times – with 2nd group (p˂0,05).

Conclusion. Imbalance in the “oxidants-antioxidants” system both through increased free radical peroxidation, and because of thiol-disulfide balance shifts at the disease progression was detected.


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How to Cite

Yasinskiy RM. Estimation of the glutathione system parameters depending on the variant of the disease course in patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis at coinfection tuberculosis/HIV. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016May23 [cited 2024Oct.25];18(2). Available from:



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