Study of the trial subjects’ protection aspects in Phase I clinical trials and bioequivalence studies


  • K. O. Zupanets National University of Pharmacy,
  • V. Ye. Dobrova National University of Pharmacy,
  • T. Yu. Kolodyezna National University of Pharmacy,



Clinical Trials, Presumed Consent, Subjects Research, Quality Of Life


Protection of rights, health and well-being of persons who are taking the drug during the trial (trial subjects) is one of the basic principles of clinical trials (CT) management.

Aim. In order to study key aspects of volunteer protection, determine factors that influence these indicators and estimate the importance of ensuring their proper implementation on the clinical site (CS) three survey of 135 trial subjects were carried out to evaluate the importance of assessing the impact of factors such as the procedure of signing the informed consent (IC) at the CS and testing procedures for HIV / AIDS, hepatitis and others. Assessment of the quality of life of trial subjects as indirect indicator of the quality of clinical trials that ensures the proper protection of their life was the subject of the third survey.

Methods and results. The general model of the relationship between the key aspects of the trial subjects protection and the factors which are providing them during the clinical trials of drugs management was substantiated, which included the main aspects of the trial subjects’ protection, protective factors and basic CT management procedures, the impact of the above factors on the possibility of providing protection aspects depends on their implementation quality.

It was found that trial subjects’ protection improvement can be achieved during the IC signing process. It is necessary to ensure a higher level of volunteers understanding of the terms that could be used in the IC form. Regarding the procedure of compulsory testing for HIV/AIDS in the course of screening, we can conclude that the majority of the trial subjects believe that this procedure is an additional factor in their health protection and do not consider it as an excessive psychological pressure on them.

Conclusion. Assessing the quality of life during the bioequivalence study at the CS makes possible to reach a conclusion on general well-being and satisfaction with those parties of human activity, which could be affected by human health.


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How to Cite

Zupanets KO, Dobrova VY, Kolodyezna TY. Study of the trial subjects’ protection aspects in Phase I clinical trials and bioequivalence studies. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016May23 [cited 2024Oct.25];18(2). Available from:



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