Safety and effectiveness of central venous catheters usage in newborns intensive care unit


  • І. А. Anikin Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



Central Venous Catheter, Newborn, Catheter-Associated Infection


To date, ensuring long-term venous access in newborns is an actual problem of intensive therapy. Central venous catheters, which implantable peripherally (PICC-line), are widely used as a medium-term vascular access in newborns in the department of intensive care.

Objective - To study the incidence of complications associated with the use of central venous access in newborns intensive care department.

Materials and methods. Characteristics and safety of various central venous access in newborns were studied. The study is retrospective, with a quantitative analysis of the results. The safe practice PICC-line and CVCSI accesses groups were compared, revealed complications in 361 newborns, who received complex intensive therapy in connection with diseases of the perinatal period, were analyzed.

Results. Due to the fact that some babies accessed re-established catheters, the total number of observations was 395. We took the complications of catheter-related infection, taking into account the instructions of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (theUSA). We searched the number of mechanical and infectious complications, which were associated with venous catheters. The number of catheter occlusion, against the background of infusion therapy was not significantly different in the groups, and the obstruction of the catheter by thrombus was the most frequent complication in the PICC-line group. CVCSIs revealed fairly large number of system thrombosis of the superior vena cava, and a great number of infectious complications. KAI Number of cases in the group of newborns with PICC-line was almost 4 times less than in infants with CVCSI venous access. Cases of death in patients did not associate with venous access, despite the fact that the total amount of complications in CVCSI group were significantly higher.

Conclusion. The received results have showen that peripherally implanted catheters have a higher level of security and ease of installation. This method will be able to recommend as a routine for use in the most departments of newborns.


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How to Cite

Anikin ІА. Safety and effectiveness of central venous catheters usage in newborns intensive care unit. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Nov.10 [cited 2025Feb.7];18(5). Available from:



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