The functional condition of fetoplacental system in pregnant women with thyroid gland autoimmune pathology


  • T. A. Melikova Kharkiv Medical Academy for Post-Graduate Education,



Autoimmune Thyroiditis, Pregnancy, Hormones, Placental Insufficiency


Some kind of specific system: placenta - thyroid gland - is said to be formed during pregnancy. Regulation of thyroid hormone metabolism depends on the state of the fetoplacental complex (FPC). The nature of the relationship of thyroid gland (TG) with the FPC affects the course of pregnancy, fetal growth and the formation of his own pituitary-thyroid system.

Goal. To study the characteristics of the hormonal function of fetoplacental complex in pregnant women with autoimmune thyroid disease.

Materials and methods. The study included 102 pregnant women: group I – 29 women with euthyroid as the outcome of autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT), 25 women with a diagnosis of hypothyroidism as a form of AIT were included into the second group, in III group – 23 women with autoimmune hyperthyroidism. The control group consisted of 25 healthy women. Hypophysial and thyroid system hormonal profile and FPK of pregnant women were detected in dynamics.

Results. It is revealed that reliable change of hormonal indexes of function of hypophysial and thyroid system leads to weighable changes of indexes of FPK and the AFP level in mother's blood, i.e. to a placentary failure, are result of it: early and late gestosis (54.5 %), chronic fetal hypoxia (21.7 %), discoordination of patrimonial activity (5.2 %), premature births (17.2 %), threat of an abortion (7.4 %).

Conclusions. According to our data the most accurate diagnostic criterion for the development of primary placental insufficiency in pregnant women with thyroid conditions can be considered the change in the level of estriol, progesterone, placental lactogen and AFP in the dynamics of gestation. Their determination can be considered as predictor for early treatment and prevention of placental insufficiency.


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How to Cite

Melikova TA. The functional condition of fetoplacental system in pregnant women with thyroid gland autoimmune pathology. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Nov.10 [cited 2025Jan.19];18(5). Available from:



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